Saturday, July 2, 2011

Your Dreams Can Come True!

All our dreams can come true,
If we have the courage to pursue them!
Walt Disney

During the mid ninety’s I decided that living in a great little ski town near my home in the valley would be a dream come true. I couldn’t see anyway it would be possible financially or logistically. Still, I let that dream bloom in my heart because I loved thinking about it. In January of 2003, the dream came true! My husband and I moved into a great little house with a gorgeous view in Park City.

Dreams are fun, exciting, and add spice to our lives. And the achievement of even the smallest dream reminds us that dreams really can come true. But dreams don’t come true without being courageous and taking the first few steps toward the belief that we can achieve anything we put our minds to.

I find that when I’m most content and peaceful, elaborating on my dreams comes easily to me. I love to daydream and catch myself thinking “wouldn’t it be wonderful if …”. I believe that this is the beginning of the creative process so I try to find ways to get myself into that peaceful, happy state of mind. Here are a few tricks I use to help make my dreams come true.

I remember a perfect conversation with a friend, one where I knew I was “heard” and left the conversation believing unequivocally in myself. It’s a terrific feeling, and makes me feel happy and energized.
If I’m dreaming about my career, I imagine the perfect work environment and remember a day that I interacted with my clients with grace, ease, and diplomacy.
Visualizing our favorite vacation spot and the fun and closeness my husband and I enjoy while there, takes me back to that relaxed state of mind.
Some of my best thinking time is while I’m driving to work in the mornings. Everything is fresh and green this time of year and I love seeing the wildflowers bloom on the hillsides. Taking in all of the surrounding beauty allows me to feel happy and excited about being able to enjoy all of it. The gratitude I feel opens the door for enhanced dreaming.
I don’t want to forget my dreams, and want to elaborate on them, so when I feel especially brave I pull out my watercolors and paint something simple and write the word “dream” on it and then write my dream over the watercolor. Finding the perfect picture in a magazine and using it as the background for writing out my dream works great, too. I put it on my bathroom mirror so I see it every time I look in the mirror.

I’m very grateful to have dreams come true and amazed to realize that pieces of my dreams are already part of my life. Dreams are fun; they give us a mental and energetic break and help us clear out the cobwebs in our mind so we can light sparks of brilliance every day.

We wish you big dreams, extravagant dreams! May we all be brave enough to pursue our dreams.


Susan: I have spent the week noticing and being grateful for all of the wonderful people who are in my life and for all of the circumstances that have made my life amazing. I’m very grateful for all of the good in my life … I’m so fortunate. I believe that my dreams have come true and now it’s time to dream more … and bigger.

Dorothy: After a very challenging winter, Mother Nature has graced us with an extraordinary summer here in the Wasatch Mountains! It’s been impossible for me to stay indoors, and it hasn’t taken much encouragement for me to leave dust, laundry, and bills behind to head to the trails for the day! Living in a town that offers so much entertainment and outdoor recreation, is truly a blessing. I am soaking up every opportunity to hear great music, eat fabulous food, walk amazing trails, and just sit in the sun and dream!!!!! I hope you too are surrounded by lovely sights and have many wonderful opportunities to enjoy the season, wherever you may be!!!!

Thank you all for returning here each week.  We are grateful for your support and encouragement!


  1. Dreams....My favorite thing. It seems that I have always been a dreamer yet very firmly planted in reality. Many things have happened in my life that have made me most recently come to understand the POWER of dreaming. You can not just sit idly by and watch life pass you through the windows, you have to be willing to bring your dreams to life. You may not always get what you are after but at least you had fun trying. BE BLESSED LADIES :) And never stop dreaming!

  2. Cheyenne - I can't tell you how much it means to me to see you here on our blog!!!!! I look forward to you sharing more of you wonderful insights (an writing talents!!!) Thank you for taking the time to join us!!!! Dorothy
