Saturday, July 30, 2011

Don't Loose That Feeling!

Don’t stop believing, hold on to that feeling.
-Journey (The Rock Band)

Many times in my life I’ve succumbed to a dearth of pleasure and joy and let fear have the upper hand in determining my moods and my days. The illness and death of a parent, sibling, or close friend; miscarriage, the break down and destruction of a marriage, or worry over finances are very stressful and painful, and overwhelm the joy of life. At one time or another, all of these have had negative and depressing effects in my life. I have always tried to learn from difficulty and pain and then move forward. But, moving forward doesn’t seem to happen quickly, and I have often thought that regaining my equilibrium might never occur.

However, believing opportunity is all around and that something positive will come from pain has always been a powerful reason for me to look for the bright side. It’s a start to escaping the negative cycle of loss and an opportunity to move in the opposite direction ... the abundance of hope, belief, joy, love, and opportunity.

The catharsis happens for me by writing rather than verbalizing my pains and fears. And it gives me opportunity to look at what I’ve written from different view points since I can review my musings another day, or even months later, with a different set of emotions and circumstances coloring my views. Often I’m startled by what I’ve written and find that I’ve changed my perspective completely. That makes me feel I’ve gained insight from the experience, therefore, something good has come from sorrow.

Determination and a deep belief that change is a good thing have helped carry me through my life to this point. I can usually find the silver lining in a problem; it may be tarnished, but still it’s a spark of something brighter. Once I find that small speck of possibility, it becomes a carrot dangling in front of me that I can choose to reach for (or not) and find solutions to shine light on the darkness. It’s not always easy to move to the positive side, but I have found time and again that something magic will happen in my life if I keep believing.


SUSAN: This has been a busy work week, but I’ve also carved out some time for much needed exercise in the form of biking on the trails near my home. I’ve been able to push myself physically and identify some of the areas of my body that need additional attention and care, and maybe some repair. I don’t like giving into the necessity of repair, but the silver lining in “just getting it done” is that I will be able to keep doing the activities I love so much.

DOROTHY: I, too, have had a busy week after being away for a few days. Re-entry can be a challenge, but the memories of the sights and new places I explored – out of state and right here in town – keep me buoyed and excited for the next great adventure. I must admit to a wee bit of apprehension when I see that July has passed us by, and temps returning to the 40’s in the morning…but I’m working hard at practicing what I preach and keeping myself in the now as much as I can!

We wish you a very good week filled with dreams and joy.
S and D

The usual format of The 51% Project blog is unavailable this week because of blog spot issues beyond our control. Please bear with us and hopefully repairs will be made for next week.

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