Saturday, April 21, 2012

Follow your Bliss!

"What, at this moment, is lacking?"
Zen Master Rinzai

Meet Jazzmine, official greeter, and follower of bliss at Tumalo Lavender Farm ( outside of Bend, OR.  Here's a girl who knows how to take care of herself!  What better way to spend the NOW than in a fragrant, calming bed of lavender!  Our pets have so much to teach us! Thank you Jazzmine and Gordon Knight for this blissful photograph!

In his inspiring book, The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle reminds us, "When your deeper sense of self is derived from BEING, when you are free of BECOMING......, neither your happiness nor your sense of self depends on the outcome...."  To BE...just to BE, in this very moment, free of the past and the future, which not one among us can change, that is to know bliss. I'm working on it..always!

It's been a little easier to be in the NOW for me this week.  With the weather having turned warmer, I've been out in the garden surrounded by tiny sprouts of new growth pushing through the earth, the melodies of birds, watching the travels of bees.  None of these living things gives a damn about yesterday or tomorrow.  They are just BEING, unaware of any possibility of lack in their lives, following their bliss to the sun, the sweet pollen, fat, juicy worms. They are, as far as birds and flowers and bees can be, HAPPY.  I've been holding their images, and Jazzmine's, as well, in my mind as I go about my week, doing my best to let go of the rush to do, the need to become, the planning, the regretting; for at least short periods of time. It's been good.

The trick is to make it a habit, and we all know what a challenge that can be in this fast paced world we live in. But trying to do better, makes you better, so that's my goal.  As fleeting as the moments may be - they will matter, they will fill me and hopefully, will make me crave MORE!

You and I may not have the luxury and joy of laying down in a pile of lavender today, but we can roll around in the love of our friends and family for awhile, tuck ourselves into the sweet joy of a wonderful meal, wrap a sunset around us.

Let's all try a little harder to be like Jazzmine and greet our bliss in whatever moment it arrives.



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