Saturday, November 20, 2010

This is the first day of the rest of my life - and you???

Today - now - here, it begins.  What can we do - what can YOU do to make a difference for yourself/the WORLD?  It may just be as simple as putting forth the 1% of effort that becomes the tipping point for peace in your life and the lives of all living things you share this planet with.

We all know the theory of 51%. In a corporate setting it's the person or group that owns 51% of the shares/the company and therefore has CONTROL, the power to make the changes - good and bad, right and wrong - that direct the company either forward of backwards.  Until that last 1% was owned - the power, and all that comes with it, was equally proportioned amongst the have and have nots - the good, bad and ugly, the pessimists and optimists - allowing no movement at all.  On a personal level, there's a similar reaction.  When we spend our time living in the status quo - there is no movement. We passively watch the world and our lives unfold around us and find ourselves stuck in unhappy relationships, jobs, struggling with health issues, and spewing our "blahhh" out into the world. But, when our intentions come from right action, when we're willing to put forth that extra 1% of effort, we gain the power to make changes in our own lives.  Those changes make us happier, healthier, better people and also positively affect those we live, work, and play with. And, you know what happens when you give GET good.

Our aim is to put the 51% theory to work for the good of us all - to encourage you and others to put forth that 1% of effort that creates critical mass - a tipping point - movement and puts the power - YOUR POWER - in the heart of the RIGHT ACTION that will make us all better, kinder, more conscious citizens of the world.

Come back soon for more information on our project and ways that you can participate.

For today:

Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Pay it Forward thinking

1 comment:

  1. Great idea. Keep it going. We have introduced an idea at our school called 'people care'. Rather than starting with problems such as bullying, we start with caring. (start from the heart). We use CARE As an acronym for “We Communicate”, “ We Assist”, “ We Respect” and “We encourage”.
    The campaign was kicked off by the whole middle school watching the movie “Pay it Forward” followed by discussions in advisories.
    Keep up the positive thought. This blog will make a diffence!
