Saturday, February 19, 2011

Choosing Your Destiny

Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice.
William Jennings Bryan

During the past week I’ve been reminded repeatedly that there is wonderful inspiration around us all of the time. For instance, the financial adviser going door to door in my neighborhood introducing himself to potential clients so he can build his business. After telling me about his company and about his financial expertise, he asked about my work. I took the opportunity to tell him a little bit about The 51% Project and what we hope to accomplish with the blog. Smiling and happy he told me that he understands, first hand, the power of positivity and looking on the bright side of life. Earlier in his life he lost one of his legs, but in spite of all the grim possibilities that could have befallen him, he chose to stay positive and not give up on his passions. Today he’s a champion Paralympic skier! This handsome, vibrant, and happy young man has the world by the tail because he took control of his destiny and intends to live a successful, joyful, and fulfilling life including pursuing his passionate love of ski racing.

The people we encounter who have such positive impacts on our lives seem to have something in common with each other, they are intentionally living the best life they can. It doesn’t mean that every part of their life is perfect, it just means that there is something they are passionate about and they are intentionally pursuing that passion with joy. It’s what feeds them, what gives them the energy to balance the rest of their life so they can pursue their passion. Just like the unexpected teacher who showed up on my doorstep; Dorothy and I want that for our lives, too.

We’re all teachers and coaches as well as students and apprentices wherever we are in life. You never know when you’ll meet someone who will be inspired by you, or who will be an inspiration to you. So, whether we’re walking alone, or sharing your path with someone who stepped up to lend a hand, each of us has opportunities to choose our destiny and intentionally create our path to fulfilling that destiny everyday.

We invite you to look around and find wonderful people and things that inspire you. Acknowledge that they can be anywhere. Allow for the probability that you are an inspiration to your family, friends, and associates, as well. When someone has said or done something inspiring, don’t be shy; let them know you appreciate it. When you’re open and looking for joy, you’ll be amazed where you’ll find inspiration and you’ll be delighted when you hear that you’ve inspired someone else.

SUSAN: It is my intention to author my life this week by being open to all the beauty surrounding me, especially the pure pleasure of interesting, fun, and inspiring people.

DOROTHY: Last week I had the good fortune of traveling south to the Mojave Desert in Southern California. The brown, wind blown earth was just coming alive as the desert flowers burst open to paint every vista in shades of yellow and purple! To say it was stunning is an understatement! Talk about inspiration – Mother Nature never disappoints! I actually returned home inspired by another, unexpected source, though. While away I met, and spent some time with, a remarkable woman who is grieving the recent loss of a child. Something I, and I suspect you, can’t even fathom. Yet there she was finding time to take a stranger on a hike and genuinely finding joy in sharing her knowledge with me. Clearly she was finding strength in the wonder of her surroundings, the beauty of it all giving her some sense of meaning in an otherwise broken world. She is truly living an intentional life – choosing to put her feet on the ground every morning and to somehow muster up the strength and courage to bump through another day. In spite of the depth of her sorrow and pain, in spite of how easy it would be to just pull the covers over her head; she chooses, with intention, to LIVE fully. She chooses, every day, to honor her child’s life by not giving up on her own. This is Grace. This is inspiration. This makes me wake up in the morning and say – “Oh how insignificant my troubles are.” This week I will author my life by acknowledging the inspiration and kindness of strangers.

Destiny awaits!

Susan and Dorothy

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