Saturday, March 24, 2012

Rest, SWEET, Rest

“The faster I go, the behinder I get.”
              ~ Lewis Carroll

How easy it is for us to get caught up in the idea of our own grandiosity and forget that the world, and our lives, will, indeed, go on even with a temporary lull in our attention!  So often we push on, to the point of exhaustion, believing that our needs are secondary to our bosses, our spouses, our children, our parents, our friends, our places of worship, our communities, the committees we serve on, the pets we care for, the garden, the laundry, the shopping, the, the, the……And then wonder why we left that important graph out of the report, left the shopping list on the counter, scorched our child’s school uniform, lost the directions to the new meeting place….A weary mind will find a million ways to tell you to STOP! Hopefully, it won’t be the broadside of a truck, after running a red light that finally makes you get this!

Here’s the truth:  YOU are the most important being in your universe. Without the necessary care required to keep YOU nourished, fed, exercised and rested, all the other people and things in your life will suffer in one-way or another.  A body and soul receiving only part of what they need, can only give part of what they have to others. It’s a lose, lose equation!

Economists and financial advisers will tell you that you cannot have a realistic and workable budget if you don’t pay yourself first. Take what you need for savings, expenses right off the top.  So it is with your time and life budget….you have to pay yourself first if there’s to be anything left for the rest.

Like everything you do, say, think – good self-care is a choice. So, whether you spend your day at an office or in your home, make and take a time out (or two) everyday. Turn off your phone, TV, computer, Ipad/pod, Kindle, Nook, voices in your head and go sit in a park, your car, on your front porch…and REST. 

Your business will not shut its doors because of your twenty-minute absence, REALLY.

Your family will live to see another day if dinner is fifteen minutes late, REALLY.

The school bake sale will still go on even if you don’t get the brownies there by 10 am, REALLY. 

You and every one you love, and all the things you do, will be better for your few minutes of nothingness, REALLY!



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