Saturday, August 20, 2011

When You Wish Upon a Star...

When You Wish Upon a Star,  
Your Dreams Come True!
-Leigh Harline and Ned Washington  
for Walt Disney 
I remember singing "When You Wish Upon a Star" and feeling so happy imagining my beautiful life. It was fun and made my heart feel full and completely joyful. As the years passed, and I grew up, I forgot about the song and the feeling I used to get when I heard it. However, recently I’ve heard it at concerts and on the radio in ads for Disneyland and it occurred to me that I’ve been missing something precious. I enjoy those warm, wonderful feelings and want to be able to enjoy them often. As with so many wishes, when I think about what I want I want in my life, I discover that it’s already a part of my life ... I simply didn’t recognize it as my dream. 
For example, I’ve been going to the Utah Symphony Pops concerts at Deer Valley Ski Resort for many years. The outdoor venue is one of those idyllic locations where you bring your picnic and lawn chairs to have a scrumptious picnic before and during a concert. It’s always been an event I have looked forward to and enjoyed participating in with family and friends. The mountain behind the stage is covered in scrub oak and small shrubs and trees, and it is topped with a single tall pine tree ... it seems to be a sentinel for the mountain. Until the summer of 2010 that tree symbolized aloneness to me. I always wished that I could look at the beautiful mountain and that tree and feel warm and positive. My wish has come true. Now that tree is a positive symbol and represents strength, passion, belief in myself, self direction, control, joy, and a calm feeling about growth and change. What a glorious and wonderful change of perspective and a powerful realization!!

It’s clear to me that the change in perspective is not because of anything that has happened to me, it is because I’ve chosen to make the extra effort to eliminate as much negativity as possible and find the positive side of conversations, and events in my life. That’s the 51% Project working!
Wishing you a productive and happy week ... 


SUSAN: I’ve spent a couple of years distancing myself from some situations and people whom I allowed to impact me negatively. But, as it always does, life has changed and I need to realign myself with them again. There’s a difference this time, however. I’m not going back with the same expectations, habits and feelings. I’m different because I’ve made the effort to change my patterns.

DOROTHY:  This has been a challenging week and I've had to continually remind myself to practice what I preach!  Stop worrying, stop projecting, be kind to yourself, stop the negative chatter..phew!  Gratefully, these lingering days of summer have been beautiful and I've been able to hike and spend some time in the setting Susan described above.  Being in Nature is such a soothing balm for me. After a walk and back at my desk, things are always clearer and less worrisome. And, the evening sky has been crystal clear - perfect for star gazing and WISHING and realizing how insignificant my to-do list is in the big picture of life. There have been LOTS of big breathes this week but today I'm feeling calm and happy and gloriously, gratefully aware of my place in the world.

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